Need some help battling the winter bugs?
We all know the symptoms of the common cold: sneezing, sore throat, runny nose and fever. Although these symptoms are usually mild, colds and flu are the leading cause of visits to your doctor and days missed from school and work.
Dreading the winter months?
The common cold strikes many people every year, especially during these frosty winte r months. Many people often dread winter, not because of the cold, windy, wet weather, but because they suffer terribly with the symptoms of the flu or common cold. Eating a well-balanced diet and taking natural supplements can assist your body’s natural immune function. Let us help you get through the winter months without suffering those terrible cold and flu symptoms.
Instigators of a weakened immune system
There are many factors that may contribute to the weakening of your immune system. In order to maintain a healthy immune system you should try to minimise these factors:
• Physiological, psychological and emotional stress
• Lack of regular exercise
• Lack of sleep, rest and relaxation
• Poor diet
• Nutritional deficiencies
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
There is a lot to be said about this old saying.
Maintaining optimal nutrition is extremely important in maintaining health, wellbeing and a balanced immune system. In order to give your body a fighting chance against the common cold, we suggest you follow these tips for a healthy immune system:
• Eat fresh, wholesome food that provides high fibre and complex carbs, moderate protein and low fat.
• Let it go! Swap stress for rest and relaxation.
• Exercise regularly.
• Aim for around 2 litres of water a day
• Supplement your diet as required with herbs and nutrients
How can we help?
When colds or flu strike, we recommend using natural supplements to help support and boost your body’s natural immune function. Fortunately, there are herbs and nutrients that can help management of the common cold, and viral conditions or infections such as the flu.
Boost your immunity with herbs
The following herbs can kill the common cold and flu viruses and have been combined into one easy-to-swallow tablet for your convenience.
• Andrographis paniculate is known for combatting bacterial and viral infections, heavily used in Ayurvedic medicine
• Clinical studies have demonstrated that Andrographis paniculate can reduce the duration and severity of colds and flu, with the anti-inflammatory properties being able to relieve common symptoms.
• Picrorrhiza kurroa is an ingredient that has traditionally been using in Chinese and Indian medicine to promote a healthy immune system with its anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating properties.
• Sambucus nigra, more commonly known as elderberry, has long been used for its fever-reducing and anti-catarrhal properties. This makes it useful for catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which happens during sinusitis, recurrent or acute coughs and the common cold/flu, sinusitis and recurrent or acute coughs.
Nutrients to support your immunity
Zinc is perhaps the most important mineral to support your immune system, with a zinc deficiency causing a weak immune response and thereby leaving you vulnerable to lengthy and severe colds.
Vitamin C is another essential nutrient as it increases the proportion of white blood cells, which combat infections. Vitamin C can therefore prevent and reduce the duration of the common cold. We offer these two nutrients in a tasty powdered supplement.
So even if it is cold and flu season again, it doesn’t mean that you need to walk around with a throat that is on fire, congestion and high temperatures . There are many natural supplements available to help boost your immune system, and prevention is much better than cure.
We can help you!
Come and talk to us today about how you can get through the winter months fit and healthy.